Publications and Preprints from Computational Neuroscience Group

J. Jordan, J. Sacramento, W.A.M. Wybo, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn.
Conductance-based dendrites perform Bayes-optimal cue integration. PLoS Comput Biol 2024 DOI PubMed pdf
Conductance-based dendrites perform Bayes-optimal cue integration. PLoS Comput Biol 2024 DOI PubMed pdf

A. Granier, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn, K.A. Wilmes.
Confidence and second-order errors in cortical circuits. PNAS Nexus 2024 DOI PubMed pdf
Confidence and second-order errors in cortical circuits. PNAS Nexus 2024 DOI PubMed pdf

L. Lerch, L.S. Huber, A. Kamath, A. Pöllinger, A. Pahud de Mortanges,
V.C. Obmann, F. Dammann, W. Senn and M. Reyes.
DreamOn: a data augmentation strategy to narrow the robustness gap between expert radiologists and deep learning classifiers. Frontiers in Radiology 2024 DOI pdf
DreamOn: a data augmentation strategy to narrow the robustness gap between expert radiologists and deep learning classifiers. Frontiers in Radiology 2024 DOI pdf

K. Max, L. Kriener, G. Pineda Garcia, T. Nowotny, I. Jaras, W. Senn and M.A. Petrovici.
Learning efficient backprojections across cortical hierarchies in real time. Nature Machine Intelligence 2024 DOI pdf
Learning efficient backprojections across cortical hierarchies in real time. Nature Machine Intelligence 2024 DOI pdf

F. Benitez, C. Pennartz, W. Senn.
The conductor model of consciousness, our neuromorphic twins, and the human-AI deal. AI and Ethics 2024 DOI pdf
The conductor model of consciousness, our neuromorphic twins, and the human-AI deal. AI and Ethics 2024 DOI pdf

K.D. Fehér, X. Omlin, L. Tarokh, C.L. Schneider, Y. Morishima, M. A. Züst, M. Wunderlin, T. Koenig, E. Hertenstein, B. Ellenberger, S. Ruch, F. Schmidig, C. Mikutta, E. Trinca, W. Senn, B. Feige, S. Klöppel, C. Nissen.
Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of Sleep Research 2023 DOI pdf
Feasibility, efficacy, and functional relevance of automated auditory closed-loop suppression of slow-wave sleep in humans. Journal of Sleep Research 2023 DOI pdf

N. Deperrois, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn, J. Jordan.
Learning beyond sensations: how dreams organize neuronal representations. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2023 DOI PubMed pdf
Learning beyond sensations: how dreams organize neuronal representations. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2023 DOI PubMed pdf

A. Korcsak-Gorzo, M.G. Müller, A. Baumbach, L. Leng, O.J. Breitwieser, S.J. van Albada, W. Senn, K. Meier, R. Legenstein, M. A. Petrovici.
Cortical oscillations support sampling-based computations in spiking neural networks. PLoS Comput Biol 2022 DOI PubMed pdf
Cortical oscillations support sampling-based computations in spiking neural networks. PLoS Comput Biol 2022 DOI PubMed pdf

J. Göltz, L. Kriener, A. Baumbach, S. Billaudelle, O. Breitwieser, B. Cramer, D. Dold, A.F. Kungl, W. Senn, J. Schemmel, K. Meier, M.A. Petrovici.
Fast and energy-efficient neuromorphic deep learning with first-spike times. Nature Machine Intelligence 823–835, 2021 DOI pdf
Fast and energy-efficient neuromorphic deep learning with first-spike times. Nature Machine Intelligence 823–835, 2021 DOI pdf

P. Haider, B. Ellenberger, L. Kriener, J. Jordan, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
Latent Equilibrium: A unified learning theory for arbitrarily fast computation with arbitrarily slow neurons. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2021 pdf
Latent Equilibrium: A unified learning theory for arbitrarily fast computation with arbitrarily slow neurons. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2021 pdf
Peer-reviewed conference article - Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021)

U. Marti Mengual, W.A.M. Wybo, L.J.E. Spierenburg, M. Santello, W. Senn and T. Nevian.
Efficient low-pass dendro-somatic coupling in the apical dendrite of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex. J. Neurosci. 40(46):8799–8815, 2020 DOI
Efficient low-pass dendro-somatic coupling in the apical dendrite of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex. J. Neurosci. 40(46):8799–8815, 2020 DOI

B.A. Gasser, J. Kurz, W. Senn, G. Escher, M.G. Mohaupt.
Stress-induced alterations of social behavior are reversible by antagonism of steroid hormones in C57/BL6 mice. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Pharmacol 2020 DOI pdf
Stress-induced alterations of social behavior are reversible by antagonism of steroid hormones in C57/BL6 mice. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Pharmacol 2020 DOI pdf

S. Billaudelle, Y. Stradmann, K. Schreiber, B. Cramer, A. Baumbach, D. Dold, J. Göltz, A.F. Kungl, T.C. Wunderlich, A. Hartel, E. Müller, O. Breitwieser, C. Mauch, M. Kleider, A. Grübl, Da. Stöckel, C. Pehle, A. Heimbrecht, P. Spilger, G. Kiene, V. Karasenko, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici, J. Schemmel, K. Meier.
Versatile emulation of spiking neural networks on an accelerated neuromorphic substrate. IEEE Xplore 2020 DOI pdf
Versatile emulation of spiking neural networks on an accelerated neuromorphic substrate. IEEE Xplore 2020 DOI pdf

B.A. Richards, T.P. Lillicrap, P. Beaudoin, Y. Bengio, R. Bogacz, A. Christensen, C. Clopath, R.P. Costa, A. de Berker, S. Ganguli, C.J. Gillon, D. Hafner, A. Kepecs, N. Kriegeskorte, P. Latham, G.W. Lindsay, K.D. Miller, R. Naud, C.C. Pack, P. Poirazi, P. Roelfsema, J. Sacramento, A. Saxe, B. Scellier, A.C. Schapiro, W. Senn, G. Wayne, D. Yamins, F. Zenke, J. Zylberberg, D. Therien and K.P. Kording.
A deep learning framework for neuroscience. Nat. Neurosci. 22: 1761-1770, 2019 DOI pdf
A deep learning framework for neuroscience. Nat. Neurosci. 22: 1761-1770, 2019 DOI pdf
T. Mesnard, G. Vignoud, J. Sacramento, W. Senn, Y. Bengio.
Ghost Units Yield Biologically Plausible Backprop in Deep Neural Networks. arXiv 2019 DOI pdf
Ghost Units Yield Biologically Plausible Backprop in Deep Neural Networks. arXiv 2019 DOI pdf

D. Dold, A.F. Kungl, J. Sacramento, M.A. Petrovici, K. Schindler, J. Binas, Y. Bengio, W. Senn.
Lagrangian neurodynamics for real-time error-backpropagation across cortical areas. 2019 pdf
Lagrangian neurodynamics for real-time error-backpropagation across cortical areas. 2019 pdf

D. Dold, I. Bytschok, A.F. Kungl, A. Baumbach, O. Breitwieser, W. Senn, J. Schemmel, K. Meier, M.A. Petrovici.
Stochasticity from function - Why the Bayesian brain may need no noise. Neural Networks 2019 DOI pdf
Stochasticity from function - Why the Bayesian brain may need no noise. Neural Networks 2019 DOI pdf

J. Sacramento, R.P. Costa, Y. Bengio, W. Senn.
Dendritic cortical microcircuits approximate the backpropagation algorithm. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2018 pdf
Dendritic cortical microcircuits approximate the backpropagation algorithm. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2018 pdf
Peer-reviewed conference article - Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31 (NeurIPS 2018)

Luziwei Leng, R. Martel, O. Breitwieser, I. Bytschok, W. Senn, J. Schemmel, K. Meier & M.A. Petrovici .
Spiking neurons with short-term synaptic plasticity form superior generative networks. Nature Scientific Reports 8: 10651, 2018 DOI pdf
Spiking neurons with short-term synaptic plasticity form superior generative networks. Nature Scientific Reports 8: 10651, 2018 DOI pdf
L. de Andres-Bragado, C. Mazza, W. Senn and S.G. Sprecher.
Statistical modelling of navigational decisions based on intensity versus directionality in Drosophila larval phototaxis. Nature Scientific Reports online, 2018 DOI pdf
Statistical modelling of navigational decisions based on intensity versus directionality in Drosophila larval phototaxis. Nature Scientific Reports online, 2018 DOI pdf
J. Sacramento, R. Ponte Costa, Y. Bengio, W. Senn.
Dendritic error backpropagation in deep cortical microcircuits. arXiv 2017 DOI pdf
Dendritic error backpropagation in deep cortical microcircuits. arXiv 2017 DOI pdf

A.L. Wantz, J.S. Lobmaier, F.W. Mast, W. Senn.
Spatial But Not Oculomotor Information Biases Perceptual Memory: Evidence From Face Perception and Cognitive Modeling. Cognitive Science 41:1533–1554, 2017 DOI
Spatial But Not Oculomotor Information Biases Perceptual Memory: Evidence From Face Perception and Cognitive Modeling. Cognitive Science 41:1533–1554, 2017 DOI
Y. Bengio, B. Scellier, O. Bilaniuk, J. Sacramento, W. Senn.
Feedforward Initialization for Fast Inference of Deep Generative Networks is biologically plausible. arXiv 2016 DOI pdf
Feedforward Initialization for Fast Inference of Deep Generative Networks is biologically plausible. arXiv 2016 DOI pdf

J. Brea, A. Gaál, R. Urbanczik †, W. Senn.
Prospective Coding by Spiking Neurons. PLoS Comput Biol 12(6): e100500, 2016 DOI pdf
Prospective Coding by Spiking Neurons. PLoS Comput Biol 12(6): e100500, 2016 DOI pdf
M. Schiess, R. Urbanczik, W. Senn.
Somato-dendritic Synaptic Plasticity and Error-backpropagation in Active Dendrites. PLoS Comput Biol 12(2): e1004638, 2016 DOI pdf
Somato-dendritic Synaptic Plasticity and Error-backpropagation in Active Dendrites. PLoS Comput Biol 12(2): e1004638, 2016 DOI pdf
W. Senn, J. Sacramento.
Backward reasoning the formation rules. Nat. Neurosci. 18(12):1705-1706, 2015 DOI pdf
Backward reasoning the formation rules. Nat. Neurosci. 18(12):1705-1706, 2015 DOI pdf
B.B. Vladimirskiy, R. Urbanczik, W. Senn.
Hierarchical Novelty-Familiarity Representation in the Visual System by Modular Predictive Coding. PLoS ONE 10(12): e0144636, 2015 DOI
Hierarchical Novelty-Familiarity Representation in the Visual System by Modular Predictive Coding. PLoS ONE 10(12): e0144636, 2015 DOI
A.M. Clarke, J. Friedrich, E.M. Tartaglia, S. Marchesotti, W. Senn, M.H. Herzog.
Human and Machine Learning in Non-Markovian Decision Making. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0123105, 2015 DOI
Human and Machine Learning in Non-Markovian Decision Making. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0123105, 2015 DOI
A. Khajeh-Alijani, R. Urbanczik, W. Senn.
Scale-Free Navigational Planning by Neuronal Traveling Waves. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0127269, 2015 DOI
Scale-Free Navigational Planning by Neuronal Traveling Waves. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0127269, 2015 DOI
J. Brea, W. Senn.
Vom Nutzen des Vergessens oder was uns die Fruchtfliege lehren kann. VSAO J. 2:32-33, 2015
Vom Nutzen des Vergessens oder was uns die Fruchtfliege lehren kann. VSAO J. 2:32-33, 2015

J. Brea, R. Urbanczik, W. Senn.
A Normative Theory of Forgetting: Lessons from the Fruit Fly. PLoS Comput Biol 10(6): e1003640, 2014 DOI pdf
A Normative Theory of Forgetting: Lessons from the Fruit Fly. PLoS Comput Biol 10(6): e1003640, 2014 DOI pdf
J. Friedrich, R. Urbanczik, W. Senn.
Code-specific Learning Rules Improve Action Selection by Populations of Spiking Neurons. Int. J. of Neural Systems 24: 1, 2014 DOI
500 Dollar RewardCode-specific Learning Rules Improve Action Selection by Populations of Spiking Neurons. Int. J. of Neural Systems 24: 1, 2014 DOI

T. Lüdge, R. Urbanczik, W. Senn.
Modulation of orientation-selective Neurons by motion: when additive, when multiplicative?. Front. Comput.Neurosci. 8:67, 2014 DOI
Modulation of orientation-selective Neurons by motion: when additive, when multiplicative?. Front. Comput.Neurosci. 8:67, 2014 DOI
SM Blom, J.P. Pfister, M. Santello, W. Senn & T. Nevian.
Nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain causes disinhibition of the anterior cingulate cortex. J. Neurosci. 34(17):5754-5764, 2014 DOI pdf
Nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain causes disinhibition of the anterior cingulate cortex. J. Neurosci. 34(17):5754-5764, 2014 DOI pdf
W. Senn, J.P. Pfister.
Reinforcement learning in cortical networks in Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, Springer Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience 2014 DOI pdf
Reinforcement learning in cortical networks in Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, Springer Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience 2014 DOI pdf
W. Senn, J.P. Pfister.
Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity, Learning Rules in Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, Springer Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience 2014 DOI pdf
Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity, Learning Rules in Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, Springer Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience 2014 DOI pdf
R. Caspar, Supervisors: W. Senn, R. Urbanczik.
Master Thesis: "Mapping the Hodkgin-Huxley Neuron to an Escape Rate Neuron". 2013
Master Thesis: "Mapping the Hodkgin-Huxley Neuron to an Escape Rate Neuron". 2013

J. Brea, W. Senn, J.P. Pfister.
Matching Recall and Storage in Sequence Learning with Spiking Neural Networks. J. Neurosci. 33(23): 9565–9575, 2013 DOI pdf
Matching Recall and Storage in Sequence Learning with Spiking Neural Networks. J. Neurosci. 33(23): 9565–9575, 2013 DOI pdf
M. Schiess, R. Urbanzik, W. Senn.
Gradient estimation in dendritic reinforcement learning. J. Math Neuroscience 2: 2, 2012 DOI
Gradient estimation in dendritic reinforcement learning. J. Math Neuroscience 2: 2, 2012 DOI

J. Friedrich, W. Senn.
Spike-based Decision Learning of Nash Equilibria in Two-Player Games. PLoS Comput Biol 2012 DOI pdf
Spike-based Decision Learning of Nash Equilibria in Two-Player Games. PLoS Comput Biol 2012 DOI pdf
J. Brea, W. Senn, and J.-P. Pfister.
Sequence learning with hidden units in spiking neural networks. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) pp. 1422-1430, 2011 pdf
Sequence learning with hidden units in spiking neural networks. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) pp. 1422-1430, 2011 pdf
Peer-reviewed conference article - Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24 (NIPS 2011)
J. Friedrich, R. Urbanczik, W. Senn.
Spatio-Temporal Credit Assignment in Neuronal Population Learning. PLoS Comput Biol 7:1-13, 2011 DOI pdf
Spatio-Temporal Credit Assignment in Neuronal Population Learning. PLoS Comput Biol 7:1-13, 2011 DOI pdf
J. Friedrich, R. Urbanczik, W. Senn.
Learning Spike-Based Population Codes by Reward and Population Feedback. Neural Computation 22:1698-1717, 2010 DOI
Learning Spike-Based Population Codes by Reward and Population Feedback. Neural Computation 22:1698-1717, 2010 DOI
I.R. Fiete, W. Senn, C.Z.H. Wang, R.H.R. Hahnloser.
Spike-Time-Dependent Plasticity and Heterosynaptic Competition Organize Networks to Produce Long Scale-Free Sequences of Neural Activity. Neuron 65:563-576, 2010 DOI PubMed pdf
Spike-Time-Dependent Plasticity and Heterosynaptic Competition Organize Networks to Produce Long Scale-Free Sequences of Neural Activity. Neuron 65:563-576, 2010 DOI PubMed pdf
R. Urbanczik, W. Senn.
A gradient learning rule for the tempotron. Neural Computation 21:340-352, 2009 DOI
A gradient learning rule for the tempotron. Neural Computation 21:340-352, 2009 DOI
R. Schäfer, E. Vasilaki, W. Senn.
Adaptive Gain Modulation in V1 Explains Contextual Modifications during Bisection Learning. PLoS Comput Biol 5:1-12, 2009 DOI pdf
Adaptive Gain Modulation in V1 Explains Contextual Modifications during Bisection Learning. PLoS Comput Biol 5:1-12, 2009 DOI pdf
M. Murayama, E. Pérez-Garci, T. Nevian, T. Bock, W. Senn, M.E. Larkum.
Dendritic encoding of sensory stimuli controlled by deep cortical interneurons. Nature 457:1137-1141, 2009 DOI pdf
Dendritic encoding of sensory stimuli controlled by deep cortical interneurons. Nature 457:1137-1141, 2009 DOI pdf
E. Vasilaki, S. Fusi, X.J. Wang, W. Senn.
Learning flexible sensori-motor mappings in a complex network. Biological Cybernetics 100:147–158, 2009 DOI
Learning flexible sensori-motor mappings in a complex network. Biological Cybernetics 100:147–158, 2009 DOI
W. Senn.
Mathematisierung der Biologie: Mode oder Notwendigkeit? Aktualität und Vergänglichkeit der Leitwissenschaften in Reihe "Berner Kulturhistorische Vorlesungen", Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften S. 97-118, 2009
Mathematisierung der Biologie: Mode oder Notwendigkeit? Aktualität und Vergänglichkeit der Leitwissenschaften in Reihe "Berner Kulturhistorische Vorlesungen", Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften S. 97-118, 2009

R. Urbanczik, W. Senn.
Reinforcement learning in populations of spiking neurons. Nat. Neurosci. 12:250-252, 2009 DOI
Reinforcement learning in populations of spiking neurons. Nat. Neurosci. 12:250-252, 2009 DOI
E. Vasilaki, N. Frémaux, R. Urbanczik, W. Senn, W. Gerstner.
Spike-Based Reinforcement Learning in Continuous State and Action Space: When Policy Gradient Methods Fail. PLoS Comput Biol 5:1-17, 2009 DOI
Spike-Based Reinforcement Learning in Continuous State and Action Space: When Policy Gradient Methods Fail. PLoS Comput Biol 5:1-17, 2009 DOI
B.B. Vladimirskiy, E. Vasilaki, R. Urbanczik, W. Senn.
Stimulus sampling as an exploration mechanism for fast reinforcement learning. Springer-Verlag Biological Cybernetics 100:319-330, 2009 DOI
Stimulus sampling as an exploration mechanism for fast reinforcement learning. Springer-Verlag Biological Cybernetics 100:319-330, 2009 DOI
K. Thurley, W. Senn, Hans-R. Lüscher.
Dopamine increases the gain of the input-output response of rat prefrontal pyramidal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 99:2985-2997, 2008 DOI PubMed
Dopamine increases the gain of the input-output response of rat prefrontal pyramidal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 99:2985-2997, 2008 DOI PubMed
Y. Kim, B.B. Vladimirskiy, W. Senn.
Modulating the granularity of category formation by global cortical states. Front. Comput.Neurosci. 2:1-14, 2008 DOI
Modulating the granularity of category formation by global cortical states. Front. Comput.Neurosci. 2:1-14, 2008 DOI
M. Giugliano, G. La Camera, S. Fusi, W. Senn.
The response of cortical neurons to in vivo-like input current: theory and experiment II. Time-varying and spatially distributed inputs. Biological Cybernetics 99(4-5):303-18, 2008 DOI
The response of cortical neurons to in vivo-like input current: theory and experiment II. Time-varying and spatially distributed inputs. Biological Cybernetics 99(4-5):303-18, 2008 DOI
G. La Camera, M. Giuglianio, W. Senn, S. Fusi.
The response of cortical neurons to in vivo-like input current: theoryand experiment I. Noisy inputs with stationary statistics. Biological Cybernetics 99(4-5):279-301, 2008 DOI
The response of cortical neurons to in vivo-like input current: theoryand experiment I. Noisy inputs with stationary statistics. Biological Cybernetics 99(4-5):279-301, 2008 DOI
J.M. Brader, W. Senn, S. Fusi.
Learning real-world stimuli in a neural network with spike-driven synaptic dynamics. Neural Computation 19:2881-2912, 2007 DOI PubMed pdf
Learning real-world stimuli in a neural network with spike-driven synaptic dynamics. Neural Computation 19:2881-2912, 2007 DOI PubMed pdf

R. Schäfer, E. Vasilaki, W. Senn.
Perceptual learning via modification of cortical top-down signals. PLoS Comput Biol 3(8):e165, 2007 DOI pdf
Perceptual learning via modification of cortical top-down signals. PLoS Comput Biol 3(8):e165, 2007 DOI pdf
S. Fusi, W. Senn.
Eluding oblivion with smart stochastic selection of synaptic updates. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 16, 026112, 1-11, 2006 DOI
Eluding oblivion with smart stochastic selection of synaptic updates. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 16, 026112, 1-11, 2006 DOI
T. Nyffeler, P. Wurtz, H.-R. Lüscher, C.W. Hess, W. Senn, T. Pflugshaupt, R. von Wartburg, M. Lüthi, R.M. Müri.
Extending lifetime of plastic changes in the human brain. EJN 24:2961-2966 , 2006 DOI
Extending lifetime of plastic changes in the human brain. EJN 24:2961-2966 , 2006 DOI
G. La Camera, A. Rauch, D. Thurbon, H.-R. Lüscher, W. Senn, S. Fusi.
Multiple Time Scales of Temporal Response in Pyramidal and Fast Spiking Cortical Neurons. Epub 2006 Jun 28. J. Neurophysiol. 96(6):3448-3464 , 2006 DOI PubMed
Multiple Time Scales of Temporal Response in Pyramidal and Fast Spiking Cortical Neurons. Epub 2006 Jun 28. J. Neurophysiol. 96(6):3448-3464 , 2006 DOI PubMed
T. Nyffeler, P. Wurtz, H.-R. Lüscher, C.W. Hess, W. Senn, T. Pflugshaupt, R. von Wartburg, M. Luthi, R.M. Muri.
Repetitive TMS over the human oculomotor cortex: Comparison of 1-Hz and theta burst stimulation. Epub 2006 Oct 17. Neurosci. Lett. 409(1):57-60 , 2006 PubMed
Repetitive TMS over the human oculomotor cortex: Comparison of 1-Hz and theta burst stimulation. Epub 2006 Oct 17. Neurosci. Lett. 409(1):57-60 , 2006 PubMed
W. Senn, S. Fusi.
Convergence of stochastic learning in perceptrons with binary synapses. Phys. Rev. E E71:061907-1 - 061, 2005 DOI PubMed pdf
Convergence of stochastic learning in perceptrons with binary synapses. Phys. Rev. E E71:061907-1 - 061, 2005 DOI PubMed pdf
W. Senn, S. Fusi.
Learning only when necessary: better memories of correlated patterns in networks with bounded synapses. Neural Computation 17:2106-2138, 2005 DOI PubMed
Learning only when necessary: better memories of correlated patterns in networks with bounded synapses. Neural Computation 17:2106-2138, 2005 DOI PubMed
J. Reutimann, V. Yakovlev, S. Fusi, W. Senn.
Climbing neuronal activity as an event-based cortical representation of time. J. Neurosci. 24(13):3295-3303 , 2004 DOI PubMed pdf
Climbing neuronal activity as an event-based cortical representation of time. J. Neurosci. 24(13):3295-3303 , 2004 DOI PubMed pdf
G. La Camera, W. Senn, S. Fusi.
Comparison between networks of conductance- and current-driven neurons: stationary spike rates and subthreshold depolarization. Neurocomputing 58-60:253-258 , 2004 DOI
Comparison between networks of conductance- and current-driven neurons: stationary spike rates and subthreshold depolarization. Neurocomputing 58-60:253-258 , 2004 DOI
G. La Camera, A. Rauch, H.-R. Lüscher, W. Senn, S. Fusi.
Minimal models of adapted neuronal response to in vivo-like input currents. Neural Computation 16: 2101-2124, 2004 DOI PubMed
Minimal models of adapted neuronal response to in vivo-like input currents. Neural Computation 16: 2101-2124, 2004 DOI PubMed
W. Senn, S. Fusi.
Slow stochastic learning with global inhibition: a biological solution to the binary perceptron problem. Neurocomputing 58-60:321-326 , 2004 DOI
Slow stochastic learning with global inhibition: a biological solution to the binary perceptron problem. Neurocomputing 58-60:321-326 , 2004 DOI
M.E. Larkum, W. Senn, H.-R. Lüscher.
Top-down dendritic input increases the gain of layer 5 pyramidal neurons. Cereb. Cortex 14:1059-1070, 2004 DOI PubMed pdf
Top-down dendritic input increases the gain of layer 5 pyramidal neurons. Cereb. Cortex 14:1059-1070, 2004 DOI PubMed pdf
G. La Camera, W. Senn, S. Fusi.
Equivalent networks of conductance- and current driven neurons. In: O.Kaynak (eds.): Suppl. Proceedings of ICANN/ICONIP, 2003, LCNS 2714, pp. 449-452, Springer Verlag, 2003
Equivalent networks of conductance- and current driven neurons. In: O.Kaynak (eds.): Suppl. Proceedings of ICANN/ICONIP, 2003, LCNS 2714, pp. 449-452, Springer Verlag, 2003
T. Berger, W. Senn, H.-R. Lüscher.
Hyperpolarization-activated current Ih disconnects somatic and dendritic spike initiation zones in layer V pyramidal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 90:2428-2437, 2003 DOI PubMed pdf
Hyperpolarization-activated current Ih disconnects somatic and dendritic spike initiation zones in layer V pyramidal neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 90:2428-2437, 2003 DOI PubMed pdf
A. Rauch, G. La Camera, H.-R. Lüscher, W. Senn, S. Fusi.
Neocortical pyramidal cells respond as integrate-and-fire neurons to in vivo-like input currents. J. Neurophysiol. 90:1598-1612, 2003 DOI PubMed pdf
Neocortical pyramidal cells respond as integrate-and-fire neurons to in vivo-like input currents. J. Neurophysiol. 90:1598-1612, 2003 DOI PubMed pdf
W. Senn, N.J. Buchs.
Spike-based synaptic plasticity and the emergence of direction selective simple cells: mathematical analysis. J. Comput. Neurosci. 14:119-138, 2003 DOI PubMed
Spike-based synaptic plasticity and the emergence of direction selective simple cells: mathematical analysis. J. Comput. Neurosci. 14:119-138, 2003 DOI PubMed
M. Carandini, D.J. Heeger, W. Senn.
A synaptic explanation of suppression in visual cortex. J. Neurosci. 22(22):10053-10065, 2002 DOI PubMed
A synaptic explanation of suppression in visual cortex. J. Neurosci. 22(22):10053-10065, 2002 DOI PubMed
W. Senn, M. Schneider, B. Ruf.
Activity-dependent development of axonal and dendritic delays, or, why synaptic transmission should be unreliable. Neural Computation 14:583-619, 2002 DOI PubMed
Activity-dependent development of axonal and dendritic delays, or, why synaptic transmission should be unreliable. Neural Computation 14:583-619, 2002 DOI PubMed
W. Senn.
Beyond spike timing: the role of nonlinear synapses. Biological Cybernetics 87:344-355, 2002 DOI PubMed
Beyond spike timing: the role of nonlinear synapses. Biological Cybernetics 87:344-355, 2002 DOI PubMed
G. La Camera, A. Rauch, W. Senn, H.-R. Lüscher, S. Fusi.
Firing rate adaptation without losing sensitivity to input fluctuations. In: J.R. Dorronsoro (Ed.):. Springer-Verlag Proceedings of ICANN 2002, LNCS 2415, pp. 180-185, 2002
Firing rate adaptation without losing sensitivity to input fluctuations. In: J.R. Dorronsoro (Ed.):. Springer-Verlag Proceedings of ICANN 2002, LNCS 2415, pp. 180-185, 2002
N.J. Buchs, W. Senn.
Spike-based synaptic plasticity and the emergence of direction selective simple cells: simulation results. J. Comput. Neurosci. 13:167:186, 2002 DOI PubMed
Spike-based synaptic plasticity and the emergence of direction selective simple cells: simulation results. J. Comput. Neurosci. 13:167:186, 2002 DOI PubMed
G. La Camera, S. Fusi, W. Senn, A. Rauch, H.-R. Lüscher.
When NMDA receptor conductances increase inter-spike interval variability. In: J.R. Dorronsoro (Ed):. Springer-Verlag Proceedings of ICANN 2002, LNCS 2415, pp. 235-240, 2002
When NMDA receptor conductances increase inter-spike interval variability. In: J.R. Dorronsoro (Ed):. Springer-Verlag Proceedings of ICANN 2002, LNCS 2415, pp. 235-240, 2002
J. Reutimann, S. Fusi, W. Senn, V. Yakovlev, E. Zohary.
A model of expectation effects in inferior temporal cortex. Neurocomputing 38-40:1533-1540, 2001 DOI
A model of expectation effects in inferior temporal cortex. Neurocomputing 38-40:1533-1540, 2001 DOI
W. Senn, H. Markram, M. Tsodyks.
An algorithm for modifying neurotransmitter release probability based on pre- and post-synaptic spike timing. Neural Computation 13(1):35-68, 2001 DOI PubMed
An algorithm for modifying neurotransmitter release probability based on pre- and post-synaptic spike timing. Neural Computation 13(1):35-68, 2001 DOI PubMed
N.J. Buchs, W. Senn.
Learning direction selectivity through spike-timing dependent modification of neurotransmitter release probability. Neurocomputing 38-40:121-127, 2001 DOI
Learning direction selectivity through spike-timing dependent modification of neurotransmitter release probability. Neurocomputing 38-40:121-127, 2001 DOI
W. Senn, R. Urbanczik.
Similar non-leaky integrate-and-fire neurons with instantaneous couplings always synchronize. SIAM J Appl. Math 61(4):1143-1155, 2001
Similar non-leaky integrate-and-fire neurons with instantaneous couplings always synchronize. SIAM J Appl. Math 61(4):1143-1155, 2001
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