Computational Neuroscience Group


W. Senn.
EBRAINS Baltic-Nordic Summer School on Neuroscience: Real-time error-based processing in cortical circuits (Talk). 2024

L. Kriener, K. Völk, B. von Hünerbein, F. Benitez, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
AREADNE Conference: Order from chaos: Interplay of development and learning in recurrent networks of structured neurons (Poster). 2024

K. Max, L. Kriener, W. Senn, G.P. García, T. Nowotny, M.A. Petrovici.
COSYNE: Learning efficient backprojections across cortical hierarchies in real time (Poster). 2024

L. Kriener, K. Völk, B. von Hünerbein, F. Benitez, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
COSYNE: Order from chaos: Interplay of development and learning in recurrent networks of structured neurons (Poster). 2024

K.A. Wilmes, W. Senn.
COSYNE: The predictive brain: from algorithms to mechanisms (K. Wilmes Workshop co-organiser). 2024

A. Granier, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn, K.A. Wilmes.
Dendritic computation, synaptic plasticity & molecular mechanisms Workshop: Confidence modulation of apical dendrites in cortical circuits (Talk). 2024

W. Senn.
Dendritic computation, synaptic plasticity & molecular mechanisms Workshop: Dendritic integration of predictions errors in deep cortical networks (Talk). 2024

M. Tsai, J. Teutsch, W.A.M. Wybo, F. Helmchen, A. Banerjee, W. Senn.
EMBO workshop: Hierarchy of prediction errors shapes context-dependent sensory representations (Poster). 2024

L. Kriener, K. Völk, B. von Hünerbein, F. Benitez, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
EMBO Workshop: Order from chaos: Interplay of development and learning in recurrent networks of structured neurons (Flash Poster Talk). 2024

M.C. Tsai, J. Teutsch, W.A.M. Wybo, F. Helmchen, A. Banerjee, W. Senn.
FENS Forum: Hierarchy of prediction errors shapes context-dependent sensory representations (Poster). 2024

A. Granier, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn, K.A. Wilmes.
Fifth International Convention on the Mathematics of Neuroscience and AI: Confidence estimation and second-order errors in cortical circuits (Talk). 2024

S. Brandt, M. A. Petrovici, W. Senn, K. A. Wilmes and F. Benitez.
Fifth International Convention on the Mathematics of Neuroscience and AI: Prospective and Retrospective Coding in Cortical and Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons (Poster). 2024

A. Granier, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn, K.A. Wilmes.
ICNCE: International Conference on Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering: Confidence estimation and second-order errors in cortical circuits (Poster). 2024

K.A. Wilmes, Mihai A. Petrovici, S. Sachidhanandam and W. Senn.
ICNCE: International Conference on Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering: Neural mechanisms underlying predictive processing in uncertainty (Talk). 2024

K.A. Wilmes, Mihai A. Petrovici, S. Sachidhanandam and W. Senn.
LAKE CONFERENCES: The Neurobiology of Mental Health: Uncertainty-weighted prediction errors (UPEs) in cortical microcircuits (Poster). 2024

I. Jaras, T. Gierlich, K. Max, L. Kriener, G.P. García, A. Baumbach, A. Kungl, T. Nowotny, W. Senn and M.A. Petrovici.
PLENA - Pucón Learning and AI Summit: Learning efficient backprojections in spike and rate-based neuronal microcircuits (Poster). 2024

W. Senn.
Summer School Neuroscience of Dreaming: Sleep beyond memory replay: how creativity and sleep-dream-reality discrimination emerge (Talk). 2024

A. Granier, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn, K.A. Wilmes.
Swiss Computational Neuroscience Retreat: Confidence estimation and second-order errors in cortical circuits (Talk). 2024

K. Max, G.P. Garcia, T. Nowotny, I. Jaras, W. Senn and M.A. Petrovici.
Swiss Computational Neuroscience Retreat: Learning, forward and backward (Talk). 2024

L. Lerch, L.S. Huber, A. Kamath, W. Senn, M. Reyes, A. Pöllinger, V. Obmann, F. Dammann, A. Pahud de Mortanges.
Vision Sciences Society Meeting: DreamOn: Enhancing Deep Learning in Medical Imaging with REM-Dream-Inspired Data Augmentation (Poster). 2024


S. Brandt, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn, K.A. Wilmes and F. Benitez.
Bernstein Conference: Prospective and Retrospective Coding in Cortical and Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons (Poster). 2023


A. Granier, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn, K.A. Wilmes.
Bernstein Conference: Reliability estimation and second-order prediction errors in cortical circuits (Poster). 2023


K.A. Wilmes, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn.
Bernstein Conference: Uncertainty-modulated prediction errors in cortical microcircuits - (Talk). 2023

B. von Hünerbein, M. oude Lohuis, P. Marchesi, U. Olcese, W. Senn, C. Pennartz, J. Jordan, and M.A. Petrovici.
CNS*2023 - Computational Neuroscience Meeting: Certainty-weighted integration of information in individual cortical neurons (Poster). 2023


K. Max, L. Kriener, G. Pineda Garcia, T. Nowotny, W. Senn and M.A. Petrovici.
CNS*2023 - Computational Neuroscience Meeting: Learning efficient backprojections across cortical hierarchies in real time (Poster). 2023


K.A. Wilmes, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn.
CNS*2023 - Computational Neuroscience Meeting: Uncertainty-modulated prediction errors in cortical microcircuits (Talk). 2023


K.A. Wilmes, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn.
COSYNE 2023: Uncertainty-modulated prediction errors in cortical microcircuits (Talk). 2023

W. Senn.
From Bench to Bedside Symposium: Theoretical concepts of learning & dendritic processing in pyramidal neurons (Talk). 2023

K. Max, L. Kriener, G. Pineda García, T. Nowotny, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN): Learning efficient backprojections across cortical hierarchies in real time (Talk). 2023

Conference Paper

K. Max, L. Kriener, G. Pineda García, T. Nowotny, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
International conference on neuromorphic, natural and physical computing: "Learning Efficient Backprojections Across Cortical Hierarchies in Real Time" (Talk). 2023

W. Senn.
International Winter Neuroscience Conference: Least action, dynamic equilibria, and motor control (Talk). 2023

W. Senn.
Lecture series - Bernstein Center Freiburg: Kreatives Träumen: wie im Schlaf Sinneseindrücke geordnet werden (Lecture). 2023

W. Senn.
NNPC conference: A theoretical physics guide to neuroscience and cognition (Keynote). 2023

K. Max, L. Kriener, G. Pineda García, T. Nowotny, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici..
NNPC conference: Learning efficient backprojections cross cortical hierarchies in real time (Talk). 2023

K.A. Wilmes, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn.
Swiss Computational Neuroscience Retreat 2023: Uncertainty-modulated prediction errors in cortical microcircuits (Talk). 2023

W. Senn.
14th Conference of the Lithuanian Neuroscience AssociationIatIon: Creative dreams help your brain learn better: generative adversarial networks in the brain (Keynote). 2022

H.D. Mettler, M. Schmidt, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici, J. Jordan.
6th HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research: Evolving Neuronal Plasticity Rules using Cartesian Genetic Programming (Poster). 2022

B. von Hünerbein, I. Jaras, L. Kriener, J. Jordan, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
6th HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research: Towards fully embedded biologically inspired deep learning on neuromorphic hardware (Poster). 2022

P. Haider, B. Ellenberger, L. Kriener, J. Jordan, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
Bernstein Conference: Latent Equilibrium: A unified learning theory for arbitrarily fast computation with arbitrarily slow neurons (Talk). 2022

A. Korcsak-Gorzo, M.G. Müller, A. Baumbach, L. Leng, O.J. Breitwieser, S.J. van Albada, W. Senn, K. Meier, R. Legenstein, M. A. Petrovici.
Bernstein Conference: Neural oscillations implement tempering in spiking neural networks (Poster). 2022

K.A. Wilmes, C. Raltchev, S. Kasavica, S. Sachidhanandam & W. Senn.
Bernstein Conference: Uncertainty-modulated prediction errors in cortical microcircuits (Talk). 2022

J. Jordan, M.A. Petrovici & W. Senn.
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology of Mental disease Meeting: Dendritic integration as Bayes-optimal opinion pooling (Talk). 2022

P. Haider, B. Ellenberger, L. Kriener, J. Jordan, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
CNS 2022: Latent Equilibrium: A unified learning theory for arbitrarily fast computation with arbitrarily slow neurons (Talk). 2022

M. Tsai, W. Wybo, B. Illing, J. Jordan, A. Morrison, W. Senn.
COSYNE 2022: Biological multi-task learning with top-down signals (Poster). 2022

P. Haider, B. Ellenberger, L. Kriener, J. Jordan, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
COSYNE 2022: Latent Equilibrium: A unified learning theory for arbitrarily fast computation with arbitrarily slow neurons (Poster). 2022

K.A. Wilmes, C. Raltchev, S. Kasavica, S. Sachidhanandam & W. Senn.
COSYNE 2022: Uncertainty-weighted prediction errors (UPEs) in cortical microcircuits (Poster). 2022

M. Tsai, W. Wybo, B. Illing, J. Jordan, A. Morrison, W. Senn.
EMBO workshop: Biological multi-task learning with top-down signals (Poster). 2022

M. Tsai, J. Teutsch, F. Helmchen, A. Banerjee, W. Senn.
FENS 2022: Flexible sensory representation learning in non-stationary environments (Poster). 2022

W. Senn.
From Cortical Microcircuits to Consciousness Symposium: Creative sleep, adversarial dreams, and the need of awareness (Talk). 2022

N. Deperrois, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn, J. Jordan.
From Cortical Microcircuits to Consciousness Symposium: Learning cortical representations through perturbed and adversarial dreaming (Poster). 2022

A. Granier, W. Senn, K.A. Wilmes.
From Cortical Microcircuits to Consciousness Symposium: The geometry of precision in predictive coding (Poster). 2022

N. Deperrois, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici, J. Jordan.
GCB Symposium 2022: Cortical Representation Learning Via Perturbed and Adversarial Dreaming (Poster). 2022

H.D. Mettler, M. Schmidt, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici, J. Jordan.
GCB Symposium 2022: Evolving Neuronal Plasticity Rules using Cartesian Genetic Programming (Poster). 2022

P. Haider, B. Ellenberger, L. Kriener, J. Jordan, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
GCB Symposium 2022: Latent Equilibrium: Arbitrarily Fast Computation With Arbitrarily Slow Neurons (Poster). 2022

B. Ellenberger, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn.
GCB Symposium 2022: Learning to Generate Cortical Activity from iEEG Through a Recurrent Neural Networks of Nonlinear Spectro-temporal Receptive Fields (Talk). 2022

M. Tsai, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn.
GCB Symposium 2022: Model Of Valence Mediated Attention In The Sensory Cortex (Poster). 2022

L. Kriener, J. Göltz, W. Senn, M. A. Petrovici.
GCB Symposium 2022: The Yin-Yang Dataset (Poster). 2022

W. Senn.
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences: Could artificial agents develop consciousness, and if so, how to deal with this? (Talk). 2022

P. Haider, B. Ellenberger, L. Kriener, J. Jordan, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
NAISys 2022: Latent Equilibrium: A unified learning theory for arbitrarily fast computation with arbitrarily slow neurons (Poster). 2022

W. Senn.
NEAL 2022: Real-time learning in (bio-)physical circuits with dendritic error propagation (Talk). 2022

P. Haider, B. Ellenberger, L. Kriener, J. Jordan, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
NICE '22 Conference & Workshop: Latent Equilibrium: A unified learning theory for arbitrarily fast computation with arbitrarily slow neurons (Talk). 2022


L. Kriener, J. Göltz, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
NICE '22 Conference & Workshop: The Yin-Yang Dataset (Talk). 2022

W. Senn.
Summer School: Computations in Consciousness and Perception: Creative dreams and navigating through error landscapes (Talk). 2022

J. Jordan, J. Sacramento, W.A.M. Wybo, M.A. Petrovici & W. Senn.
Swiss Computational Neuroscience Retreat: Cortical representation learning & Bayes-optimal cue integration (Talk). 2022

P. Haider, B. Ellenberger, L. Kriener, J. Jordan, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
Swiss Computational Neuroscience Retreat: Latent Equilibrium: A unified learning theory for arbitrarily fast computation with arbitrarily slow neurons (Talk). 2022

A. Korcsak-Gorzo, M.G. Müller, A. Baumbach, L. Leng, O.J. Breitwieser, S.J. van Albada, W. Senn, K. Meier, R. Legenstein, M. A. Petrovici.
ACAIN 2021 - Advanced Course & Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience: Cortical oscillations support sampling-based computations in spiking neural network (Talk). 2021

H.D. Mettler, M. Schmidt, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici & J. Jordan.
ACAIN 2021 - Advanced Course & Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience: Evolving to Learn: Automating the search for interpretable, biologically plausible synaptic plasticity rules (Talk). 2021

J. Göltz, L. Kriener, A. Baumbach, S. Billaudelle, O. Breitwieser, B. Cramer, D. Dold, A.F. Kungl, W. Senn, J. Schemmel, K. Meier & M.A. Petrovici.
ACAIN 2021 - Advanced Course & Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience: Fast and energy-efficient neuromorphic deep learning with first-spike times (Talk). 2021

J. Jordan, J. Sacramento, W.A.M. Wybo, M.A. Petrovici & W. Senn.
ACAIN 2021 - Advanced Course & Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience: Learning Bayes-optimal dendritic opinion pooling (Talk). 2021

K.A. Wilmes, C. Raltchev, S. Kasavica, S. Sachidhanandam & W. Senn.
ACAIN 2021 - Advanced Course & Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience: Learning to predict in uncertainty (Talk). 2021

W. Senn.
Bernstein Center Freiburg Seminar: Is there a Newtonian law for neurons and synapses? - A least action principle for neurobiology (Talk). 2021

N. Deperrois, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn, and J. Jordan.
Bernstein Conference 2021: Creative memory semantization through adversarial dreaming (Poster). 2021 DOI pdf

A. Baumbach, A. Korcsak-Gorzo, M.G. Müller, A. Baumbach, L. Leng, O.J. Breitwieser, S.J. van Albada, W. Senn, K. Meier, R. Legenstein, M. A. Petrovici.
CNS*2021 - Computational Neuroscience Meeting: Cortical oscillations support sampling-based computations in spiking neural networks (Talk). 2021


M.G. Muller, A. Korcsak-Gorzo, W. Senn, L. Leng, A. Baumbach, O. J. Breitwieser, S. J. van Albada, K. Meier, R. Legenstein, M. A. Petrovici.
Cosyne 2021: A functional role of cortical oscillations for probabilistic computation in spiking neural networks (Poster). 2021 pdf

N. Deperrois, J. Jordan, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn.
Cosyne 2021: Creative memory semantization through adversarial dreaming (Poster). 2021 pdf

J. Jordan, M. Schmidt, W. Senn, M. A. Petrovici.
Cosyne 2021: Evolving to learn: discovering interpretable plasticity rules for spiking networks (Poster). 2021 pdf

J. Jordan, J. Sacramento, M. A. Petrovici, W. Senn.
Cosyne 2021: Learning dendritic opinion weighting by cortical neurons (Poster). 2021 pdf

W. Senn.
CRS2021 - Champalimaud Research Symposium: Least action principle and error-based learning in the brain (Talk). 2021

N. Deperrois, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici, J. Jordan.
GCB Symposium 2021: Creative Memory Semantization Through Adversarial and Non-adversarial Dreaming (Poster). 2021

L. Kriener, J. Jordan, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
GCB Symposium 2021: Fast And Deep: Energy-Efficient Neuromorphic Learning With First-Spike Times (Poster). 2021

M. Tsai, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn.
GCB Symposium 2021: Multi-functional Neural Networks and Bias Adaptation (Poster). 2021

B. Ellenberger, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn.
GCB Symposium 2021: Reverse-engineering The Connectome From IEEG To Reveal Synaptic Homeostasis In Sleep (Poster). 2021

H.D. Mettler, M. Schmidt, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici, J. Jordan.
GECCO 2021 - The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference: Evolving Neuronal Plasticity Rules using Cartesian Genetic Programming (Poster). 2021 DOI pdf

L. Kriener, J. Jordan, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
Intel Neuromorphic Research Community (INRC) Workshop: Lava Implementation of Biologically Plausible Deep Learning with Structured Neurons (Talk). 2021

W. Senn.
Mushroom Body Meeting: Error- or target-driven synaptic plasticity? A model of predictive learning in the mushroom body (Talk). 2021

J. Göltz, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
NeuroFrance 2021 Satellite Workshop: Fast and deep: energy-efficient neuromorphic learning with first-spike times (Talk). 2021 pdf

W. Senn.
NeuroFrance 2021: An EBRAINS application: Learning a functional (iEEG) connectome (Talk). 2021


L. Kriener, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn.
NEUROTECH Education Programme (day 6) (talk): Fast and deep: energy-efficient neuromorphic learning with first-spike times (Talk). 2021


E. Kreutzer, M. A. Petrovici, W. Senn.
NICE '20: Proceedings of the Neuro-inspired Computational Elements Workshop (talk): Natural gradient learning for spiking neurons (Talk). 2021 DOI pdf


J. Jordan, M. A. Petrovici, W. Senn, J. Sacramento.
NICE '20: Proceedings of the Neuro-inspired Computational Elements Workshop: Conductance-based dendrites perform reliability-weighted opinion pooling (Talk). 2021 DOI pdf


W. Senn.
NICE '20: Proceedings of the Neuro-inspired Computational Elements Workshop: Lessons from neurobiology and physics: pseudobackprop & more (Talk). 2021 pdf

P. Haider, B. Ellenberger, L. Kriener, J. Jordan, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
Thirty-fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS): Latent Equilibrium: A unified learning theory for arbitrarily fast computation with arbitrarily slow neurons (Talk). 2021


J. Jordan, M. Schmidt, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
Bernstein Conference 2020: Evolving to learn: discovering interpretable plasticity rules for spiking networks (Poster). 2020 DOI pdf

A.F. Kungl, Dominik Dold, A. Baumbach, O. Breitwieser, I. Bytschok, A. Grübl, N. Gürtler, M. Güttler, A. Hartel, D. Husmann, K. Husmann, V. Karasenko, J. Klähn, M. Kleider, C. Koke, A. Kugele, L. Leng, C. Mauch, E. Müller, P. Müller, S. Schmitt, K. Meier, J. Schemmel, W. Senn and M.A. Petrovici.
Bernstein Conference 2020: Self-sustained probabilistic computing on spike-based neuromorphic systems (Poster). 2020 DOI pdf


E. Kreutzer, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn.
Cosyne 2020: Natural gradient learning for spiking neurons (Poster). 2020

S. Billaudelle, Y. Stradmann, K. Schreiber, B. Cramer, A. Baumbach, D. Dold, J. Goltz, A.F. Kungl, T.C. Wunderlich, A. Hartel, E. Muller, O. Breitwieser, C. Mauch, M. Kleider, A. Grubl, D. Stockel, C. Pehle, A. Heimbrecht, P. Spilger, V. Karasenko, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici, J. Schemmel and K. Meier.
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS): Live Demonstration: Versatile Emulation of Spiking Neural Networks on an Accelerated Neuromorphic Substrate. 2020 DOI


J. Jordan, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn, J. Sacramento.
NAISys 2020: Conductance-based dendrites perform reliability-weighted opinion pooling (Poster). 2020

D. Dold, J. Sacramento, A.F. Kungl, W. Senn and M.A. Petrovici.
Bernstein Conference 2019: An energy-based model of folded autoencoders for unsupervised learning in cortical hierarchies. 2019 DOI pdf


A.F. Kungl, D. Dold, O. Riedler, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn.
Bernstein Conference 2019: Deep reinforcement learning in a time-continuous model. 2019 DOI pdf


J. Jordan, J. Sacramento, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn.
Cosyne 2019: Error-driven learning supports Bayes-optimal multisensory integration via conductance-based dendrites (Poster). 2019 pdf

D. Dold, A.F. Kungl, J. Sacramento, M.A. Petrovici, K. Schindler, J. Binas, Y. Bengio, W. Senn.
Cosyne 2019: Lagrangian dynamics of dendritic microcircuits enables real-time backpropagation of errors (Talk). 2019


Luziwei Leng, A. Korcsák-Gorzó, O. Breitwieser, R. Martel, I. Bytschok, W. Senn, J. Bill, J. Schemmel, K. Meier, M.A. Petrovici.
IRCN Workshop: Biological solutions to the mixing problem (best poster award). 2019

D. Spicher, C. Clopath and W. Senn.
Predictive plasticity in dendrites: from a computational principle to experimental data. 2017 pdf