
Conferences found: 21

C. Horvat, J.-P. Pfister.
On gauge freedom, conservativity and in-trinsic dimensionality estimation in diffusion models. ICLR 2024

M. Tsai, J. Teutsch, W.A.M. Wybo, F. Helmchen, A. Banerjee, W. Senn.
EMBO workshop: Hierarchy of prediction errors shapes context-dependent sensory representations (Poster). 2024

L. Lerch, L.S. Huber, A. Kamath, W. Senn, M. Reyes, A. Pöllinger, V. Obmann, F. Dammann, A. Pahud de Mortanges.
Vision Sciences Society Meeting: DreamOn: Enhancing Deep Learning in Medical Imaging with REM-Dream-Inspired Data Augmentation (Poster). 2024


W. Senn.
EBRAINS Baltic-Nordic Summer School on Neuroscience: Real-time error-based processing in cortical circuits (Talk). 2024

W. Senn.
Summer School Neuroscience of Dreaming: Sleep beyond memory replay: how creativity and sleep-dream-reality discrimination emerge (Talk). 2024

L. Kriener, K. Völk, B. von Hünerbein, F. Benitez, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
AREADNE Conference: Order from chaos: Interplay of development and learning in recurrent networks of structured neurons (Poster). 2024

K.A. Wilmes, Mihai A. Petrovici, S. Sachidhanandam and W. Senn.
ICNCE: International Conference on Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering: Neural mechanisms underlying predictive processing in uncertainty (Talk). 2024

A. Granier, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn, K.A. Wilmes.
ICNCE: International Conference on Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering: Confidence estimation and second-order errors in cortical circuits (Poster). 2024

S. Brandt, M. A. Petrovici, W. Senn, K. A. Wilmes and F. Benitez.
Fifth International Convention on the Mathematics of Neuroscience and AI: Prospective and Retrospective Coding in Cortical and Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons (Poster). 2024

A. Granier, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn, K.A. Wilmes.
Fifth International Convention on the Mathematics of Neuroscience and AI: Confidence estimation and second-order errors in cortical circuits (Talk). 2024

L. Kriener, K. Völk, B. von Hünerbein, F. Benitez, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
EMBO Workshop: Order from chaos: Interplay of development and learning in recurrent networks of structured neurons (Flash Poster Talk). 2024

K.A. Wilmes, Mihai A. Petrovici, S. Sachidhanandam and W. Senn.
LAKE CONFERENCES: The Neurobiology of Mental Health: Uncertainty-weighted prediction errors (UPEs) in cortical microcircuits (Poster). 2024

A. Granier, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn, K.A. Wilmes.
Dendritic computation, synaptic plasticity & molecular mechanisms Workshop: Confidence modulation of apical dendrites in cortical circuits (Talk). 2024

W. Senn.
Dendritic computation, synaptic plasticity & molecular mechanisms Workshop: Dendritic integration of predictions errors in deep cortical networks (Talk). 2024

I. Jaras, T. Gierlich, K. Max, L. Kriener, G.P. García, A. Baumbach, A. Kungl, T. Nowotny, W. Senn and M.A. Petrovici.
PLENA - Pucón Learning and AI Summit: Learning efficient backprojections in spike and rate-based neuronal microcircuits (Poster). 2024

M.C. Tsai, J. Teutsch, W.A.M. Wybo, F. Helmchen, A. Banerjee, W. Senn.
FENS Forum: Hierarchy of prediction errors shapes context-dependent sensory representations (Poster). 2024

K.A. Wilmes, W. Senn.
COSYNE: The predictive brain: from algorithms to mechanisms (K. Wilmes Workshop co-organiser). 2024

K. Max, L. Kriener, W. Senn, G.P. García, T. Nowotny, M.A. Petrovici.
COSYNE: Learning efficient backprojections across cortical hierarchies in real time (Poster). 2024

L. Kriener, K. Völk, B. von Hünerbein, F. Benitez, W. Senn, M.A. Petrovici.
COSYNE: Order from chaos: Interplay of development and learning in recurrent networks of structured neurons (Poster). 2024

K. Max, G.P. Garcia, T. Nowotny, I. Jaras, W. Senn and M.A. Petrovici.
Swiss Computational Neuroscience Retreat: Learning, forward and backward (Talk). 2024

A. Granier, M.A. Petrovici, W. Senn, K.A. Wilmes.
Swiss Computational Neuroscience Retreat: Confidence estimation and second-order errors in cortical circuits (Talk). 2024