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Virtual Workshop 2022

Experimental and clinical neurosciences: a journey from worm to man

January 19 - 21, 2022

University of Fribourg


Dominique Glauser, Boris Egger, Simon Sprecher, Mario Prsa, Michael Harvey, Urs Albrecht, Michael Schmid, Gregor Hasler, and Katrin Huber

Deadline for registration: January 6, 2022

Register via Microsoft forms

Wednesday, January 19

Session: "From neurons to behaviour in worms and flies"
Chairs: Dominique Glauser, Boris Egger, Simon Sprecher, University of Fribourg
09:00 - 09:15 Welcome and general organization (Katrin Huber)
Introduction (Dominique Glauser)
09:15 - 10:15 Don’t get too excited. Dissecting ion channel biology using C. elegans genetics (Dr Thomas Boulin, Institut NeuroMyoGene, CNRS/INSERM/, University of Lyon, France)
10:15 - 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 - 11:30 Decoding neuropeptide signaling networks in C. elegans (Prof. Dr Isabel Beets, Neural Signaling and Circuit Plasticity group, Biology Department, KU Leuven, Belgium)
11:30 - 12:30 How do nerves survive as long as we live? (Prof. Dr Andreas Prokop, Division of Molecular and Cellular Function, University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 - 15:00 Connectomics and Neuromodulation in Drosophila larvae (Dr Katrin Vogt, Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Konstanz, Germany)
15:00 - 15:15 Coffee Break
15:15 - 16:15 Axon degeneration in the fruit fly Drosophila (Prof. Dr Lukas Neukomm, Departement des neurosciences fondamentales, University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
16:15 - 16:30 Closing address: Simon Sprecher

Thursday, January 20

Morning session: "Sensorimotor behavior across mammalian species"
Chair: Mario Prsa and Michael Harvey, University of Fribourg
09:00 - 09:15 Introduction (Mario Prsa and Michael Harvey)
09:15 - 10:15 Serotonin and the modulation of leanrning and behavior (Prof. Zachary Mainen, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal)
10:15 - 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 - 11:30 The Biology of Grasping in Elephants (Prof. Michael Brecht, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Berlin, Germany)
11:30 - 12:30 Through the eyes of a mouse lemur (Prof. Daniel Huber, University of Geneva, Switzerland)
12:30 - 13:45 Lunch break
Afternoon session: "Clocks and Sleep"
Chair: Urs Albrecht, University of Fribourg
13:45 - 14:15 Student “poster presentations” (Mélanie Palacio Manzano, Irina Sheer)
14:15 - 14:30 Introduction (Urs Albrecht)
14:30 - 15:30 Studying mouse sleep to get a grip on the vulnerability of mammalian sleep (Prof. Anita Lüthi, University of Lausanne)
15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45 - 16:45 Daily sleep: cellular and circuit perspectives (Prof. Steven Brown, Universität Zürich)

Friday, January 21

Morning session: "Cognitive neuroscience in non-human primates"
Chair: Michael Schmid, University of Fribourg
09:00 - 09:15 Introduction (Michael Schmid)
09:15 - 10:15 Extracting environmental structure for visual perception and prediction (Dr. Caspar Schwiedrzik, German Primate Center Göttingen, Germany)
10:15 - 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 - 11:30 Auditory Cognitive Predictions and Fronto-temporal Neural Systems (Prof. Chris Petkov, Newcastle University, UK)
11:30 - 12:30 Dedicated representations for self and others in the frontal cortex (Prof. Aldo Genovesio, Sapienza University, Italy)
12:30 - 13:45 Lunch break
Afternoon session: "Stimulating the brain: novel approaches in psychiatric neuroscience"
Chair: Gregor Hasler, University of Fribourg
13:45 - 14:15 Student “poster presentations” (Janine Bühler, Samantha Weber)
14:15 - 14:30 Introduction (Gregor Hasler)
14:30 - 15:30 Psychedelics: pro-neuroplastic effects and safety ( Prof. Gregor Hasler, University of Fribourg)
15:30 - 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45 - 16:45 Deep brain stimulation for compulsivity: a translational view (Prof. Damiaan Denys, Department of Psychiatry, University of Amsterdam. )
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