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The BENEFRI Curriculum
for the Ph.D. in Neuroscience (BENEFRI)

General skills Minimum
Animal handling BVET approved 2
Basic techniques in cell culture 5
Basic techniques in imaging 5
Basic techniques in microscopy 5
Basic techniques in molecular biology 5
Basic methods in physiology 5
Biomathematics and computer programming 5
Biostatistics 2
Electronics 2
Course in experimental biology and medicine 10
Ethics 1
Course in scientific presentation 1
Course in scientific writing 1
Lectures and seminars on neurobiology 9
credits required 10 - 15

Special skills (Basic knowledge in neuroscience) Minimum
Examinations: 1) Neuroanatomy/neurohistology/neuroembryology 4 4
Examinations: 2) Neurobiochemistry/neurophysiology 4 4
Block course (workshop): 1) First year 2 2
Block course (workshop): 2) Second year 2 2
Block course (workshop): 3) Third year 2 2
Hands-on workshop (lectures and practicals): 1) First year 3 3
Hands-on workshop (practicals) :2) Second year 2 2
Brain dissection course 3 3
Journal club 3
National or international training course 4
Neuroscience lecture series in Bern 2
Lectures in neuroinformatics 2
Lectures in neurobiochemistry and gene expression in neurons 2
Total credits required to complete the program 26

To receive the certificate please send the completed curriculum to the BENEFRI commission.

Application for the defense of the thesis follows the rules of the faculties or Graduate Schools.