Carl, Toby, CS academic regalia

Last Friday we had the December 2019 graduation ceremony which included the awards ceremony for Carl Harrison and Tobias Lutz who both completed their PhDs in 2019. It was great to see Carl and Toby again, this time in fancy attire and stylish hats.

Pictures from the awards ceremony

Alex, Carl, Anna, Toby, CS

Anna (in the middle, between Carl and Toby) used her very fancy DSLR to take excellent photos which I use here to good effect.

Toby and Carl were in good spirits and it was good to see them doing well. Carl is doing a postdoc in Sheffield and Toby has started in a company in Berlin who manufactures optics components for the semiconductor industry. Toby tells me his is rapidly becoming the expert for all things microscopy within the sizable company.

This is one of the main rewards of a supervisor, to see your former students doing well. It was a proud day for the lab. Anna is the next one to complete while Alex has already more than a year since completing his PhD under his belt and has been rapidly growing into his postdoctoral role in the lab.

Toby, CS academic regalia

Enjoying a laugh with Toby.

Alex, Carl, Toby, CS academic regalia

The 3 PhDs who completed under my supervision (as main supervisor) since moving to Exeter - Alex, Carl and Toby.